
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

L-O-S-T, Season 5, Episode 9, ("NAMASTE'')

Doc Jensen's story from last week (here) & Doc Jensen's Teaser (here). Totally Lost? (here).

Of course, always read his review (here).


This week JJ started us off:
i really liked last night's ep.... each story left off as a cliffhanger (and they had quite a few stories going at once. i loved what they are doing with Radzinsky (he was Kelvin's partner in the Swan who killed himself way back in the season 2 finale - we never saw him, but heard Kelvin tell Desmond what happened to his partner when he asked about button pushing being a two man job) and the Swan being under construction. and i liked the tables being turned on Jack and his leadership. Sawyer laid it down on him.
Niel, you called it on Sun and Ben and Locke not being in the same time as the rest. i wonder why Sun did not flash with the rest of them to '77. i am wondering if that has to do with destiny for each character. and then the state of the barracks in in Sun's time in 2007 is a wreck, with Dharma logos still visible - that's hardly the state there were in at any time in season's 3 and 4 under Ben's control. all signs of Dharma were gone, at least in the barracks (with the exception of food). this clearly shows that the losties have done some timeline changing havoc in the past.... does Ben never see his 15th birthday now or what?

and what in the world happened to Faraday?
big mystery of the night: did you guys see the woman standing in the background behind Sun as Christian Shepard showed her the photo of Kate, Jack, and Hurly as new Dharma recruits in '77?!?!??!?! there was some strange woman back there, and it wasn't Claire!
[NOTE: later from JJ, sledgewed has totally caught it (woman with christian here)]


Anonymous said...


I loved last night's episode. I felt giddy the whole time watching it. They've set up such a great situation here that everything that's going on in 1977 is riveting because you know that our Losties are part of Dharma's history.

I'm not sure what the deal was with the Dharma camp the way Frank and Sun saw it - but I don't think we're ever going to get to a situation where anything in the past will change anything in the future in such a paradoxical fashion. I.e., there's no way Sayid will/can do anything to young Ben. Current Ben might get a new memory now about remembering Sayid being a prisoner of Dharma in the past - but by the way time travel has been set up by our resident expert Faraday, "what ever happened, happened". I don't think (nor do I hope) we will get to a situation like Back to the Future where people start disappearing from the future because of actions of the past.

I really dug the way Sawyer took the lead in getting his old friends into camp safely, etc. I also liked the way he dealt with Jack - Sawyer's different now. He's the leader. Get used to it Jack. And quit huggin' on Sawyer's girl already. You had your chance with Crazy Kate. BTW, I'm done with the Kate/Sawyer boo-hoo stuff. Kate/Sawyer were friends/hooked up/whatever for ~3months. Sawyer and Juliet have been together for 3 years. Kate's just the old girlfriend who comes back to town, all used and with baggage (ya, Hurley, you could be considered baggage).

There was talk about last episode where some of yous thought time might have been altered when the pregnant ol' whats her name from being killed. Since we learned last night that her baby is Ethan (awesome), I think that is another instance where no matter what happens, the future is not going to be changed - since the future already happened, we are just seeing how the events fell into place. For the Losties tho, I could see where they might think they have control over their destiny - but time travel is a fickle b-tch.

Anonymous said...


Notice how Sawyer had nicknames for Hurley < Kong > Jack < Doc > but then called Kate just Kate. I think he is finished with her too.

Anonymous said...


I think the producers were making a dig with Sawyer making Jack a workman, but also making another social commentary about the current economic times.

Anonymous said...


Farraday is the crazy dude in the jungle now that Charlotte references in This Place is death.

Anonymous said...


What a fantastic episode…I just cannot say enough how much I love this show! Geeky, I know, but I love Wednesdays because it means a new LOST is on the way.

I completely missed the shadowy woman behind Christian…I’m going to go back to the Tivo and look tonight. What was up with the barracks being all destroyed and still having all the Dharma stuff everywhere? We know that wasn’t the case during the Others’ time there…so I can’t wait to see how that is all explained. Or is that complex different from the one we’re used to?

After reading Doc Jensen’s EW recap and a lot of the comments, there is a good theory on why Frank/Sun/Ben didn’t go back to 1977 with the others…Frank, pretty simple – he wasn’t one of the Oceanic 6. Neither was Ben. Sun couldn’t go back to 1977 because an earlier version of herself is already there…she is Pierre Chang’s baby that we saw in the season’s first ep. It makes sense if you think about it…Widmore gave her to her father (a friend of his as stated in previous eps) after the Purge, and so she was raised off of the island but born there. And since she is still on the island as a baby, her adult self can’t go back to 1977. The same theory also applies to Ben if you want…he’s there as his younger self so he can’t go back. Thoughts?

I LOVE Sawyer as the leader/responsible guy who is taking care of everyone. His smackdown of Jack at the end was fantastic. And I really hope Kate doesn’t mess up the good thing he has going with Juliet. I’ve never liked Kate, so this is just reason #2342 not to like her. Let her and Jack live happily ever after together so Sawyer and Juliet can stay together.

Other great items from last night:

Did you see the Muppet Show on the monitors in the background at the Flame? LOL.
Faraday not being with the Dharma folks anymore…that is going to make for an interesting episode down the road.
Amy’s baby is Ethan – good stuff!
The kid who plays young Ben is fantastic – he can do that creepy thing with his eyes just like Michael Emerson. Good casting on that one.
Sayid as a hostile is a good twist…he’s not going to play along for much longer…can’t wait to see what he does. Or is he already working with the Others (aka Hostiles) to infiltrate the Dharma camp pre-purge?

I’m already antsy about next week’s ep! Apparently the season finale will be May 13, and we’ll have all new episodes until then except for another one-week break.

Anonymous said...


Am I the only one that thinks that Sun, Ben and the pilot are not stuck somewhere else in time, but lying around dying? They seem to be on the same dimension or what ever as Christian (who is dead) and Locke (who showed up on the beach last week even though we saw him die in the hotel).

The only reason I don't think they are 'completely dead' is when the new beach people lead Locke to the hospital they showed Ben who was unconscious, although I guess this could have been from when Sun knocked him out.

So I am thinking Ben and Sun and the pilot (sorry can't remember his name) and the new people on the beach are dead/dying and existing on the same level as dead Christian and dead Locke, or stuck in between life and death. That would explain whey Sun and Ben "think" they are leaving the beach in search of their old friends, but actually they are struggling not to die.

I don't remember what Christian told Sun exactly but something like Jin was a long way away from here?

I don't recall, did anyone on the beach talk to Sun or Ben directly?

Anonymous said...


Yeah, that Elana or whatever talked to Sun, asking if she lost someone, interesting theory.Christian tells her she has a long journey ahead of her

Anonymous said...


When is Miles going to come into play here? Also, interesting that Ben/someone at least protected some Ethan. Ben? He didn't kill EVERYONE at Dharma then. I didn't see a woman behind Christian. I get the impression that Sun will make it back to Jin...after a long journey. I also thought the state of the Dharma barracks was the result of the battle with the ship guys that Farraday came with...where is Farraday?

Anonymous said...


i can't believe nobady saw the woman in the shadows standing behind Sun in the Dharma processing house... even Doc Jensen didn't mention it.... if i found an Easter Egg nobody saw first, that is a first!

she appears to have blondish hair, but not as light as Claire's and it's styled differently... more like Libby's.. and she appears to be holding something. her arms are in the position one usually has when holding a baby, but you can't really make it out. she is there for two cuts and you see her move, too, so she isn't some cut out like the "ghost boy" in Three Men and a Baby. you guys need to check it out and tell me what you think!

i'm gonna look on SledgeWeb and see if anyone screen captured it...

and i don't think Sun, Frank, and co are dead. i think they are in a different reality in 2007 because the Losties have not yet done what they are supposed to do in the past, but once they do, the 2004 past we have already seen on the show will be set right to actually happen as we have seen it. i think Jacob, Christian Shepard, Smoke Monster are stuck in a alternate timeline, waiting for the Losties to fix things in the past. I think Buzz is right that Ben might not be able to be killed as a boy, because the island needs him to "do his work," but i think even though Faraday has laid down rules for us about time travel, he may be incorrect. i think the writers have set us up to think he knows everything but he is mistaken, and while the past CAN actually be changed in some ways the major events that need to happen will still happen (a la course correction). so maybe Dharma will still be wiped out, but in a totally different way and the barracks will never be occupied by the Others in the changed island history.... this wouldn't change much of anything significant, but it would change some things....

Anonymous said...


Sludge has screen shots. We are forgetting one key point, Desmond in special and the rules don't apply to him, we have Hurley doing the numbers broadcast... I still have the theory that Des will show up and save the day, killing Ben or blowing up the island.That is my crackpot theory and I am sticking to it, unless we see Des, Penny and Charlie sleeping with the fishes.

Anonymous said...


i think Des will show up on the island again with Charles Widmore for "the war" we heard about two eps ago to kill Ben and avenge the death of Penny and possibly Charlie... i hope that they are all ok though, because if anything has happened to Des, Penny, or Charlie that will be so infuriating!

Anonymous said...


If what Widemore told Locke was accurate that he was tricked off the island by Ben, then he should be on the island now in the timeline we are in, so does that mean Penny is there too?

Anonymous said...


hmmm.... good call, Niel.

Anonymous said...


I just remembered one thing that also bugged me - the big hug that Jack gave Juliet. That freaky looking Dharma dude gave Jack the ol' stink eye after he asked where James/Jim's cabin was. I thought for sure after that scene, we were going to see that guy hiding in some bushes make more stink eyes. Busted!

Anonymous said...


Yeah that guy loks like a rat, I see him causing trouble down the line. He was also the one who broke up the hootenany too!

Anonymous said...


He was also the smarmy assistant to Jeremy Piven’s character in Old School…it was bugging me because I knew I had seen him before. He will definitely be trouble for LeFleur and our friends down the line…

Anonymous said...


Your right ! Smokey needs to get a hold of him. I guess you can now buy Geronimo Jackson from I-Tunes today.

Anonymous said...


the season 5 finale title was revealed today on the official podcast... i think you will all recognize it immediately:

"The Incident"
Two hours to air May 13th

Anonymous said...


Spoiler alert. C'mon, J.

Anonymous said...


what in the world is wrong with episode titles? could be any old incident....

Anonymous said...


I assumed it was in reference to the ill-fated Guns and Roses album - The Spaghetti Incident.

What else could it be?

Anonymous said...


No, I recognized it immediately. Just like you said.

Why don't you tell everyone next week's episode title? Here, I'll do it:

"Claire Stands Behind Christian and Hurley Says Dude"

Anonymous said...


String Cheese Incident

Anonymous said...


All the episodes in season 5 & 6 should be two hours!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


And Sawyer slaps Jack like a red headed step child when he gets out of line again.

Anonymous said...


noooo, next weeks' ep title is "He's Our You." figure that one out.

since none of us have any idea what The Incident actually ways, i don't think it spoils much. i was just excited to learn that we may actually find out what the incident was... even witness it take place, rather than wonder if we'll ever have it revealed at all. sorry to ruin the whole show for you, Buzz. i know you hate to have anything spoiled for you!

Anonymous said...


I have a theory that the incident will be Farraday down at the Orchid as we saw in the first episode this season trying to get to the donkey wheel.

Anonymous said...


Naw, it's ok.

But it will be cool that the incident now (and has always) involved our favorite Losties - either by course correction or that (my opinion) the island's history always contained Sawyer/Jack/Etc to have a hand in it all.

I also heard (no joke) that they've already filmed a scene for the finale where Walt is walking by the ocean in LA and a submarine shows up. The hatch opens up and Sawyer and Sayid, now in their late 60s, run out and grab Walt and say 'You're coming with us, sonny boy!' and drag him back into the sub.


..."bad robot"...
..."stay tuned for the series finale of Life on Mars"...

Anonymous said...


you could be right Niel.... i have noticed that each season has a "bookend" effect. there is always something in the first episode of each season that lays a clue as to where/how that season will end. for example: season 1 - in the pilot, Rousssou mentions the Black Rock in her French transmission and the Losties end up going to the black Rock in the season finale with Roussou. season 2 - the hatch was blown open by Jack and Locke with the dynamite from the Black Rock and we find Desmond inside... by the season 2 finale, Charlie and Eko are blowing up the hatch altogether with the rest of the same dynamite stash and we get a Desmond flashback. season 3 - Otherville is shown introducing Juliet with Ben running things and they witness 815 crash, Jack/Kate/Sawyer are prisoners... by the finale, Juliet has joined the Losties, Otherville is abandoned and Ben is a prisoner. season 4 - the helicopter arrives on the island with the freighter four... season 4 ends with the helicopter leaving with the O'6. season 5 began with Peirre Chang/Dr. Candle taking care of his baby with a skipping record and Faraday in the yet to be built Orchid station.... is Niel right about where we are heading this season?

Anonymous said...


Plus Faradday is that "crazy guy running around the jungle in a loin clothe" so I can see him flipping out and blowing the place up, him or Rysynzki. Both of those guys are wired a little to tight.

Anonymous said...


Another thing that I just found - did you happen to catch that Jack Nicholson from The Shining was actually in the Dharma group photo?

see attached.

Anonymous said...


Anyone else think of the (was it Beastmaster? Or Conan) everytime they flash to the donkey wheel?

Anonymous said...


Conan... What is best in life Conan.....

Anonymous said...


I have a possible theory on Frank, Ben and Sun on why they are not with the others. Frank was suppose to have been the original pilot of 815, Sun was suppose to have left Jinn in Sydney and never gotten on the flight and Ben now wasn't suppose to move the island. Haven't figure it all out yet, but there is also a theory that you cannot occupy the same time as yourself, Ben/Little Ben and maybe Sun was the baby we saw in the first episode this season?????

Also when the plane is going down they get a broadcast and it is the numbers again !!!! I think we may be getting set up for a main character to die possibly, it just seems like that is the way we are headed and it looks like Sayid is going to be on a mission to kill little Ben,

Hey can anyone remember if Sayid brought Ben a sandwich without mustard when they had him captured as Henry Gale?