This week, Niel started off our discussion:
Morning Losties,
I didn't think last night's episode was as good as others have been this season so far, but still a pretty good episode. And we are seeing a lot of Egyptian references, Sphinx, Heirglyphics,Ankuh, there are references on lost cubit that the 4 toed statue is that of Anubis and then Horace. They are almost beating us over the head with this stuff ! Couple of things I have this morning, why did Richard need Paul's body? I think Horace and Amy's baby will be Jacob and finally my wife pointed out a possibly mistake on behalf of the writers. Charlotte is listed as being born in 1979, we see what we think is a little Charlotte last night and Sawyer tells Juliet on the dock that is 1974???????
And finally just when life is all peachy for Sawyer, who shows back up??? Worthless Kate, and we all know what happens whenever Kate has a stressful situation...
Sawyer loves Kate and now that she is back he is going to be torn! He was lying when he said you can forget someone in 3 years..remember he's a con man, so he was just trying to make Horace (or whatever his name is) feel better.....loved seeing the reunion especially Sawyer and Kate : ) LOL
Starting to get annoyed with the 3 years from now, 3 years ago....I liked being confused and trying to figure out myself when they are....
I think it was cool that we found out why Ben chose Juliette to come to the island. She finally had a successful delivery! Maybe since the Losties spent so much time on the island in the 70's - that's how Ben had so much information on them. He knew them before they knew him
great point. And I wonder how this is going to work - will they see Ben in his youth - will Ben run into his former self on the island...how does that work? I mean doesn't he gas them all at some point?
It is going to be weird when the finally meet little Ben, Sawyer will probably boot him off the island, he is head of security you know. So I still think Ben, Locke, Sun and Frank are in the future.
you guys fascinate me.
nobady mentions that we saw the back of the stutue?!??! long hair and a crown it appeared to have (in Yoda speak).
nobody brings up Sawyer's brilliant move in how he spoke with Richard and brought up the past interaction with Locke and the Jughead bomb to win over both Richard and Horas.
nobody talks about Sawyer being happy with Juliet and that the two of them are together. but Niel is kind of mentioned it and brought up that Kate is back to f that all up. stay with Jack... will Juliet go all misty for Jack? he's a tool, so i doubt it. but Jack will for her. the O'6 are back to wreak havoc on Dharma paradise.
and then nobody mentions what i think is the most important thing: that Sawyer and Juliet definitley changed the past by helping Amy have her baby. she was clearly not supposed to survive, since the Others were about to either kill her or kidnap her when Sawyer and Juliet interferred, and then they stopped her from dying in childbirth and saved her son, too. this obviously wasn't supposed to happen either since she went into labor prematurely before her sub trip off the island to have the baby. clearly the DI knows about the pregnancy issues on the island... so who will Amy's baby grow up to be? i doubt it's Jacob. i don't think that is possible or even related. but i do think it might be someone we either haven't seen yet, or maybe someone from a flashback/flashforward who maybe at the time didn't seem important but now totally is because they weren't supposed to be born. so now two people have been born on the island who weren't supposed to be: Aaron and Amy and Horace's son. if these two children meet, will the world end?
Sawyer was the man in this ep. i liked it, not the best, like Niel said, but i liked seeing how Sawyer worked it so they could all get in good with Dharma to survive, not knowing how long it would take for the O'6 to return. now their back and their going to f everything up.. or fix it all.
finally after watching last weeks again, i noticed some more details at the beginning about the Hydra station... it was in good order and there wasn't any dust. the lights were working and the files were intact. and then Ceasar also looked at a vintage Life magazine that wasn't aged at all. i didn't really pay attention to that the first time, but it tells me that the 316 survivors must be in the same time as the rest of the Losties and the O'6 and no one from the DI happens to be on Hydra Island at the moment (maybe it's the weekend). so can the two dudes manning the surveillance station see the 316 survivors? or are they currently moving in places where there are no cameras? is Hydra Island's survelliance localized only to Hydra Island and no one can see what's going on over there until they come back on Monday? (you know, the weekend.) anyway, i think they are all in the same time based on this.
i want to know what happened to Penny and Desmond and little Charlie.....
I mentioned the statue, Lostcubit.net has a picture of the Egyptian God Anubis and it is more than likely a statue of Anubis, back to the whole beating us with the Egyptian stuff this season.I don't know if they changed anything by saving Amy, as we saw with Hawking and the red shoes guy, time has a way of correcting itself. So it is possible all those things did happen originally, plus we saw Daniel repeating over and over again 'I am not going to tell her" I believe he means Charlotte that she will die if she doesn't get off the island and not to come back.
When we saw Horace chopping a tree during Locke's 'dream' to find Jacob's cabin last season, wasn't Horace's nose bleeding? Like our time travellers?
True, could be he has been dead for 15 years?
I loved the episode. Since I am not a fan of time travel shows, the fact that they have me so invested in the characters that I keep watching amazes me. And yes, that scene between Sawyer and Kate was very well done.
Did anyone else notice that when Sawyer shot at the first Other and the Other shot back at Sawyer, the bullet appeared to bounce off of him or something strange. Sawyer quickly looked back at Juliet to say WTF? and then turned back and shot the second guy. At least that is what I remember but no one was discussing it on EW and it wasn't in the recap.
Also, we have no explanation as to why the Others shot Paul if there was suppose to be a truce. I don't think this is a big point but you think they might have wanted to explain it.
I loved the "Plato" reference, but there was a chance right before that for Sawyer to give Miles a pseudo-name and they didn't do it. I thought it was quite glaring as he was sniping with Miles and should have started with some derogatory name for him.
I loved the episode. Since I am not a fan of time travel shows, the fact that they have me so invested in the characters that I keep watching amazes me. And yes, that scene between Sawyer and Kate was very well done.
Did anyone else notice that when Sawyer shot at the first Other and the Other shot back at Sawyer, the bullet appeared to bounce off of him or something strange. Sawyer quickly looked back at Juliet to say WTF? and then turned back and shot the second guy. At least that is what I remember but no one was discussing it on EW and it wasn't in the recap.
Also, we have no explanation as to why the Others shot Paul if there was suppose to be a truce. I don't think this is a big point but you think they might have wanted to explain it.
I loved the "Plato" reference, but there was a chance right before that for Sawyer to give Miles a pseudo-name and they didn't do it. I thought it was quite glaring as he was sniping with Miles and should have started with some derogatory name for him.
that's right, you did bring up the statue. sorry, Niel. i forgot!
and nice call on Horace's bloody nose, John.. interesting detail... could that be a clue that the genocide of the DI by Ben might not happen now, but they'll still die due to time skipping if someone messes with the wheel again?
BTW I thought that Horace was bleeding because he had just been gassed and to Traci's point, I don't think he had a superman/bullet-proof moment, I think the shooter just missed, what with Juliette just having shot him and all.
This pertains to something said yesterday- the baby couldn't be Jacob because when Locke went back in time and was at the Others' camp he told Richard that Jacob sent him, right? I may be mis-remembering. That happened before this, though, because Sawyer asks Richard if the buried the bomb.
Also, I don't think they would mess up the dates of Charlotte's birth. What if that little girl is Charlotte's older sister or something?
So, it has been tickling the back of my mind... but I finally figured out what the name LaFleur reminded me of... Sven-Ole Thorsen played him in Mallrats... LA FOUR... the mall cop. That's actually a fun comparison... Mall Rent-A-Cop vs. Dharma Rent-A-Cop.
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