Okay kiddies... first thing first... Doc Jensen's EW Article is always a good start.
I'll go first... no one else has seen it or sent emails yet. I think most of them are consumed with the tornadoes in MO last night so the networks didn't show LOST to them... poor kids.
So, I really liked Jack reading little Aaron the bit about Alice in Wonderland... where the world isn't quite right and fantastical things happen. Jack's comment that Kate wasn't related to Claire indicates that he possibly knows that he IS related to his NEPHEW Aaron.
Poor Hurley, he's bat-fucking crazy. "We're all dead." and "Someone is coming to visit you too, Jack" Really nice. Instead of someone coming to visit Jack, his Dad goes to visit Claire.... carrying her off into the night leaving Aaron all alone. Interested to see if Miles actually saw Jack's dad in the middle of night too.
Speaking of Claire... Sawyer IS being awfully big-brothery to her... running into an exploded building screaming CLAIRE! at the top of his lungs and then giving Miles the "restraining order" (my favorite part of the episode). The nice bit of irony is that time and time again we've seen the dreamy hunk Sawyer rise to the occasion of stepping into Jack's absent shoes... as leader, lover to Kate and now big-brother to Claire. Even off the island, Kate still is doing his bidding. The anti-Jack is actually very Jack... without the medical degree.
Hard to imagine that Jack's gone ahead and settled into a cushy boring doctor's life as an oncologist (?) when previously he was a surgeon... if he couldn't get a job in surgery, presumably because of his drug habit, it is hard to imagine his colleagues prescribing pain pills for him.
Lastly, I like Jin the bad-ass... threatening to break fingers... he'll resort to his old ways if it means helping Sun... which is sort of how he got into the enforcer business to begin with. I'm interested to see how that will play out.
i liked it. like you said, it wasn't great, but some very interesting things happened.
the thing that i found the most compelling was that Hurley is enjoying long talks with Charlie and that Charlie foretold not only Jack's visit, but Christian Shepard's upcoming appearance. AND that Jack is not supposed to raise Aaron. boy, i'll say. he is such a tool! that was a nice tie in back to the psychic Claire went to who told her she HAD to raise Aaron and then bought her plane ticket on 815. nice to see that angle being revisited after many, many episodes...
heard a couple people mention that Jack's appendix scar is not visible in the flashforward. i don't think it's a big deal, of course i was NOT looking for it either.
thought Miles' moment in discovering Danielle and Karl's bodies was cool and that perhaps he knew Christian Shepard was coming later for Claire? hmmmm.
thought the appendix business with Jack was far fetched, but the acting around it was good. and really liked that they had Rose and Bernard play the audience in asking the questions we would be asking as to why Jack is sick in the first place. good to see Rose again. she's been gone since last season's finale and they always manage to have her character deliver something powerful in terms of the meaning of the show in some regard.
my friend Porter made an excellent point about Claire: in the last episode, at the beginning when Locke, Sawyer and Hurley are playing Risk, Hurley says that line, "Australia is the key to the whole game." well, Claire is the only Australian among the survivors (besides Cindy the stewardess) and then Christian Shepard / Jacob ? comes and takes her away... was that line more a clue about Claire than about the island? or both. will Claire be at the cabin when Locke, Sawyer and Hurley get there? very excited for this week's ep.
JJ, I agree with all of your comments.
Even these “lesser” episodes still have so much to offer…things are shaping up for a fantastic 2 hour season finale. I’m torn between being antsy for the finale and not wanting it to come because that means no more LOST until the fall.
i'm with you Julia...
but even worse: not until JANUARY, 2009 (and that's if we are spared and actors strike!!! unbelievable!)!!!
Now my friend Dana thinks that him taking those pills was a precursor to the scene we saw at the end of last season when he tells Kate they have to go back (when he’s trying to jump off the bridge)… I didn’t get that. Thoughts? Proof one way or the other?
i don't think Hurley is crazy at all -- everything he said is really happening. they are "dead" in a sense as they're lives off the online are worse then ever and perhaps even void of meaning unless they return to the island.
and Christian Spepard DID visit Jack, but his colleague interrupted and then he vanished. i think Jack is still a surgeon... wasn't he scheduling tumor removals and such on spines just like before the crash? the x-rays and him recording his notes seem to suggest that to me.
finally, i do agree that the episode is saying, "this is the beginning of Jack's drug / alcohol abuse" and the scene at the end of the season 3 finale (the first flashforward we saw) is even further into the future than last week's episode... so Jack has been seeing his daddy regularly, he whacked out on drugs and booze, Kate has kicked him out and doesn't want to see him, Jack is unable the kill himself because the island won't let him, etc. i think all the flashforward's we have seen this season are going to need to be "arranged" in our memories chronologically like we have to with flashbacks with info we have already seen to figure out where exactly it belongs. it was clear that Jack and Kate living together was after her trial where Jack testified and then she was let go, but before the messed up bearded Jack we saw at the end of season 3.
Really? I got the idea that he got back together with Kate after the bridge incident. I know it makes much more sense the other way. I just know that she says to him when he comes, “So you changed your mind” or something to that effect about Aaron, I thought. So, I thought that from the bridge when he said he couldn’t see “him” meaning Aaron, he had changed his mind. I guess it will all unravel at the end.
I think that she got back together with Jack after her trial, but before the bridge incident…Jack said he couldn’t see him after the trial, right before Kate got into a cab to go to Aaron…
thought she meant that about Aaron, but after her trial. after Jack testifies, he waits for Kate in the parking garage and he wants to see her again, but she says they aren't gonna be going out for coffee or anything else until he is willing to see Aaron, too. and jack doesn't answer. then kate goes home and we learn the the baby is Claire's Aaron. so now Jack implodes like he did with Sarah and turns to booze and drugs with daddy paying him visits too... then Kate will leave him and before you know it, he's ready for some bridge diving.
If so, I guess we’re waiting for a Fast Forward where his dad tells him that he needs to go back to the island. I would think that would have a much bigger impact than Hurley telling him that he saw Charlie who said they had to go back.
right, i agree with that. because Jack thinks Hurley is nuts. but once he sees daddy and then maybe daddy starts talking to him... ooooooh!
I have been wondering all along if we'll ever know who the father of
> Claire's baby is and whether that plays into that whole Australia thing.
> Could he be one of the Others? Could he be tied to the island somehow?
JJ, she said "rebellion"... do you think she could mean the rebellion against the empire?
Jack did step on the Millenium Falcon and then curse!
I liked the episode - as was mentioned (more or less earlier), lately the Jack episodes tend to be a little weak in the anticipation but they always deliver a good few twists... I think this is because while Jack is still the main character in the show (wether we want to believe it or not), we've seen soooo many stories about him in the first seasons that we still want to discover new stuff about the other people. That said, it was still a good story, Jack not withstanding.
And when I send emails late on this stuff, you guys cover many of the 'i liked this part' aspects of the show. But,
Yes, I think they were forshadowing Jack's addiction by not only show him asking for a script, but by taking said prescription with a beer. Nothing says 'I'm going down a bad road" like chugging meds with alcohol.
I'm hoping the story ends up more 'time travel people' than 'ghost/dead people' when it comes to the comings and goings of some people, but we'll see.
gotta get back to work, but good episode, watched next weeks preview (always wish i wouldnt, but i have lately) .. looks like we'll get more 'jacob' explanation...
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